TaxJar integration
The Billsby TaxJar integration can calculate the correct tax rates and log all your transactions for you, saving you time and ensuring automatic regulatory compliance.

Automatic tax calculations by Billsby
Don't have an automated tax solution already? Don't worry, with automatic tax calculations by Billsby you can have all of your tax rates calculated for you automatically, so you'll never have to worry about changing rates or compliance ever again.

Manual configuration
Where your tax configuration is simple and easy to keep on top of, you can simply opt to manually configure the tax rates you'd like your customers to be charged.

Global tax automation

When your customer checks out a subscription, we'll use their address to automatically calculate and apply taxes when they checkout a new subscription or make changes to their current subscription.
Based on your tax configuration and your customers address, we'll automatically calculate, apply and display taxes on all invoices we generate.
If your customer decides to change their subscription, we'll dynamically display their new subscription payment, inclusive of tax, based on the selections they make.
With Billsby, cards are securely tokenised in the Billsby Vault - a PCI-DSS compliant solution.
Billsby is already SCA ready! Simply enable SCA on one of our supported gateways and we'll do the rest.
We can fully erase customer data, whilst leaving you the statistics that are important to your business.
"Love this experience with Billsby. Makes my life easier"